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Nurturing our leaders of tomorrow

July 29, 2022 11:01 am
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Staff Reporter :- Focusing on the young populace is one of the most important duties of any developing country. Today’s youth are the future of tomorrow, so it is necessary to train them properly for their future roles by incorporating them into the economy from an early age. As such, the government’s goal to integrate the young generation into the formal economy as soon as possible is a welcome step.

Currently, the main source of income for the young populace is by providing tuition. While the number of university students who have been participating in internships and other opportunities provided by the private sector has certainly grown in the last couple of years, the number is still inadequate.

Among the opportunities that are available for the young populace, most of the jobs are being offered by education-focused conglomerates. As such, the authorities are right to call on the private sector to provide more opportunities to the younger generation. Aside from the educational sector, other private entities like marketing agencies and MNCs need to step up their efforts to recruit the younger generation into the formal economy as early as possible.

Many MNCs have campus recruitment programs designed specifically for university students, but the scope of these programs has to be expanded. What’s more, a lot of these opportunities are only available for students studying in the capital, so that is something that needs to be addressed as well.

The authorities also need to help the private sector in accomplishing these goals. They have to make it easier for conglomerates to recruit young people as well as updating the high school and college curriculum so that the younger generation is equipped with necessary skills right from the beginning of their university careers.

To reiterate, the youth of today is tomorrow’s future. We cannot leave them behind.

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